Wednesday 1 June 2011

High School...Somewhere in the middle...

Wake Up Time!!....How I hated those words...I mean...I was up all night playing Diablo II till about 3am just to level up twice...c'mon give me a break dad...You see me and my brother stayed in a garden flat separate from the main we basically could have done whatever we wanted, sneaking out was the easiest of all...ok not easiest of all we had to get onto the neighbors wall then back onto the flat's roof and then walk along the boundary wall jump into the neighbors yard then out his gate...pretty complicated now that I think about it...but the hormones never stopped me...oh yes this was the perfect way to sneak out to go to a girls house and fool around...other times me and my best friend used to get drunk and smoke on the stuff...Anyway to get up at like 6am after that was murder...and best of all I had to ride my bike to school...not fun in the middle of the winter I should add, or when it is pouring down...At least all my friends were at the same place everyday. Nowadays I hardly see any of them...Don't you just miss school...

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